Superior Mind, Superior Body

March 11, 2015. Filed: Recipes

Recipe: Pumpkin and Chicken Red Curry




  • 100g peas



Step 1Heat the oil in a wok or frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the curry paste and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic. Add the coconut milk and water and bring to the boil.

Step 2: Reduce heat to low. Add the chicken, pumpkin and lime leaves and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes or until pumpkin is tender. Add the beans, peas, lime juice, sugar and fish sauce and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-4 minutes or until the beans are bright green and tender crisp.

Step 3: Serve with rice. Top with Thai basil leaves.


This is based on a recipe from



March 10, 2015. Filed: JS-PT News

JS-PT has a new home, and a new special offer!

After a couple of months of transitioning from one gym to another, JS-PT has officially made the full time move over to Flow2 Gym in Milton (159 Coronation Drive).

If you’ve been following the Instagram and Facebook pages, you would have seen a few photos and videos of all the action that’s been happening. With a wide array of equipment which includes a matrix style fit out, battle ropes, sleds, gymnastic rings, suspension training, kettle bells, and slam ball in conjunction with plenty of traditional free weights; this has made one on one sessions, small group sessions, and boot camps in the gym much more challenging and fun.

To celebrate this, JS-PT is offering newsletter subscribers their  first 2 sessions for only $22! So come in, and experience for yourself a workout that takes you to the next level! Email  for more info on how to get started. And whilst memberships to Flow2 are available, JS-PT clients don’t have to pay a membership to receive personal training/small group training (2-4 people).





February 9, 2015. Filed: Nutrition, Recipes

Simple snack idea: Vita Wheat crackers with cream cheese, cucumber and smoked salmon




This was an enjoyable afternoon snack for me last week; vita wheat crackers with cucumber, smoked salmon, cottage cheese with some cracked pepper and Tabasco sauce. 

Vita wheat crackers are wholegrain based so provide a good source of fibre and carbohydrates, while the smoked salmon contains B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and selenium which aid your metabolism. Cottage cheese is not only a complete source of protein, but also is a great source of calcium which is crucial for bone health.

Change your serving size to suit your personal needs and enjoy!



February 9, 2015. Filed: Balanced Lifestyles, Nutrition

Controlling your energy balance


I’m all for people starting small on their health goals, and gradually building to bigger things. Whether they are starting with smaller goals, or starting on smaller day in and day out habits, it all helps. Something is better than nothing right? However, are you someone that has made smaller changes in your exercise and eating patterns in order to lose weight, but still feel like you are going nowhere? This post may be for you.


Let’s start with some common small changes people make to help achieve weight loss goals:

–       Drinking low fat milk instead of full cream milk

–       Swapping sugar for stevia/sweetener in your coffee

–       Eating only wholegrain versions of different foods (i.e. Brown rice, or multigrain bread)


Whilst changing certain habits each day may help, too often people are caught up in the minor changes, and not focusing enough time on the major things that would be most beneficial. This is what I call ‘majoring in the minors’.

Solely changing to low fat milk or eating more wholegrain foods isn’t going to make a difference if you are not eating less calories overall. The energy balance equation is what matters:



If you consume more than your maintenance calories each day (regardless of milk type, or whether wholegrain or not), you will put on weight. If you consume less, you will lose weight. So how do you measure your food intake? Track your food intake with an app like My Fitness Pal (as spoken about on a previous post here).


Needless to say, I still recommend that 80-90% of your food intake comes from whole and minimally refined foods for health reasons, and wholegrain foods are an important component in your diet due to their fiber content. But overeating is overeating regardless of the food type, so remember to keep focused on major changes such as controlling your overall food intake and overall activity level rather than minor changes, and I assure you this will make a bigger difference.


For specific nutrition coaching plans, feel free to email me on for any enquiries.

Welcome to 2015, now let’s get on with it!

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Before your holidays you were determined to keep exercising and eating well despite the inevitable blow out days that the end of December and start of January brings.

You had every intention of feeling great once you returned from your holidays because you had read my previous blog post of how to get through the Christmas and New Year period guilt free.

You’ve returned from your holidays and quite frankly you feel terrible because you did none of the above.

Sounds like you? You’re not alone!


Many of my clients, friends, family members, and fellow gym goers have developed a guilty conscious thinking back of their holidays. Some are doing something about it, some aren’t, but many still feel guilty to a certain extent. But now it’s time to move on. If anything, a break from training and/or food tracking may have given you some much needed time off for you to refresh the batteries. And while you think you may have put on a copious amount of body fat, you really haven’t. It’s only been 2 or 3 weeks, not enough to completely ruin your body! The time spent with family and friends with the enjoyment of different food and drinks is something to cherish, not remembered with guilt over your nutrition choices that day.

Now it’s time to focus on the now and the future. Remember the goals you were working towards, or refocus your mind on some new goals for 2015, and just get started in some way, shape or form. Put behind you whatever guilt you may have. Having your mind right and thinking about the positive rather than the past or the negative is crucial for achievement and fulfilment. Without that, you won’t succeed.


I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday, now be the best you can be in 2015!


December 8, 2014. Filed: Tips

5 tips to get you through the Xmas period guilt free


Christmas. One of my favourite times of the year in terms of eating… Fresh seafood, food hampers, trifles, champagne; the list could go on. It’s also a time when all that eating and drinking results in some unwanted weight gain, as I’m sure you’ve experienced during festive periods in years gone by.

While overeating will feel an inevitable outcome for some (although they are willing to accept the consequences), others can feel overwhelmed with guilt after the new year rolls in knowing they jumped off the wagon. To limit the overall damage both physically and mentally, I’ve compiled 5 tips which will help you indulge and enjoy a festive, guilt free Christmas.


1. Accept the fact you will likely consume more.

I’ve seen plenty of strategies online with the aim of ‘limiting the damage’ over Christmas with tips such as saying no to dessert, limit carbs, and a whole lot of other restrictive crap to ensure you stay within your calorie goals. That’s definitely not what you are about to read. Accept the fact that during this period you will attend parties, you will have big dinners and lunches, and you will have plenty of left overs. Cherish this time you will spend with your family and friends, be mindful of what’s enough to eat, and don’t stress about calories! The sooner you can accept that and not be so hard on yourself, the less guilty you will feel.

2. It’s OK to skip meals.

Christmas lunch with my family is my favourite meal of the year, and I’m sure many of you reading will feel the same way about your Christmas Day meals. Due to the amount of food I know I will be eating, usually I’ll skip breakfast beforehand to save room. This type of strategy could be used at anytime during the year, when you know you’re about to over-indulge, or when you unexpectedly over-indulge. Balance yourself out by eating smaller meals before or after if you need to.

3. Make better bad choices.

This is pretty straight forward. Just because you’re eating more than you normally do, doesn’t mean you need to completely blow your intake out of the water and consume as much as you can. That’s just silly. By all means enjoy what there is on offer, but you know when you’re full.

4. Keep moving.

As hectic as this period can be, try and schedule some activity in during those few weeks. I’m not saying you must go to the gym everyday, but it would be beneficial to keep yourself active to some extent, even if it was just walking along the beach or doing shorter workouts throughout your break.

5. Do the above and simply enjoy your break!

Enjoy the time you spend with your family, enjoy seeing your friends, enjoy the functions you attend with your work colleagues, and enjoy the fact you have a couple of weeks to do whatever you want! Keep up points 1 to 4 and you should be able to relax and enjoy everything that Christmas and New Year’s brings.

Take the above tips into consideration before the festive break, and you should feel in a good physical and mental state come the new year.

From the JS-PT team, have a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year! See you in 2015.


November 10, 2014. Filed: Recipes, Uncategorized

Chicken Kebabs With Spicy Couscous Salad.

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Kebabs, couscous, haloumi, and chilli. Four things I love! An easy recipe with a good amount of protein and flavour which doesn’t keep you in the kitchen for very long. Check it out below.

For the Couscous salad:


1. Bring stock to boil in a saucepan over high heat. Place couscous in a large bowl and pour the boiling stock over. Stir through with a fork. Leave covered for 5 minutes and stir through with a fork again to separate the grains.

2. Cut up haloumi into smaller pieces. Heat saucepan with oil over medium heat, and add haloumi. Cook for approximately 1-2 minutes each side or until golden brown.

3. Add haloumi to couscous along with spring onions, chilli, and chickpeas.

4. Make the dressing: whisk lemon rind, 1/4 cup lemon juice, paprika and oil in a bowl until properly combined.

5. Pour dressing over salad. Serve!


For the chicken kebabs:


1. Preheat a BBQ or pan on medium high, cook the kebabs while turning until properly cooked through.

2. Serve!

November 10, 2014. Filed: Nutrition

Diets everywhere! Which is the best?


Diets, diets, diets…

It’s all the craze lately isn’t it? 30 Day cleanses, celebrity endorsements, sugar free this, paleo that. It’s hard not to be a little curious and question whether one diet is right for you. The question of which one is best for weight loss is certainly something that has been brought up in conversation with me in the last month or so. My answer has remained the same though: whichever diet or plan you can sustain for the long term is the diet that is right for you.

Those who follow the Facebook page must think I sound like a broken record, but the fact of the matter is, all health related goals should be made with a long term view. It should fit your lifestyle, and it definitely should take into account your personal preferences if you want to succeed, because what Pete Evans (Chef from My Kitchen Rules) may eat may not be what you want on your plate every day. Each person’s individual needs are different.

Be consistent with your plan, be flexible enough to enjoy a variety of foods, and be patient! I can’t stress that last point enough. Ups and downs are inevitable, so don’t beat yourself up and instead remain focus on the overall goal.


October 7, 2014. Filed: Recipes

Banana Split with Greek Yogurt and Jam


This breakfast/dessert idea is so simple a recipe is hardly needed. Here’s how it was done anyway.

Serves 1

1 ripe banana, peeled
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons fruit jam or preserves
2 tablespoons sliced almonds or other nuts OR granola as is in the photo
1/4 cup fresh berries or other fresh fruit

Split the banana lengthwise and lay the two halves in a shallow bowl. Scoop out the yogurt and put it on top of the banana. Warm the jam in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds or until it is very runny.

Use a spoon to drizzle the jam over the yogurt, and sprinkle the granola/nuts over everything. Top with raspberries/blueberries and dig in!

October 7, 2014. Filed: Nutrition

The 10-20% Rule: Have your cake and eat it too, literally!

Unlikely Foodie Blog Screenshot


Strict ‘all or nothing’ approaches to food plans for clients are common amongst personal trainers and nutritionists. Often they result in failure due to their lack of flexibility. I’m all for being fit, healthy, and looking the part, but if a diet doesn’t have variety or allow me to indulge in foods I love, I’m not interested. Nonetheless, there is a diet option where you can literally, ‘have your cake and eat it too,’ and that’s by applying the moderation guideline. The moderation guideline is the 10-20% rule which is outlined in greater detail by leading nutritionist Alan Aragon.

In essence, the 10-20% rule allows you to eat whatever you want but still look great naked! Well, not quite, but with all things in life, everything should be in moderation. The basis of your diet should still come from whole and minimally refined foods. Reaching your minimum daily protein and fat intake (which varies for each individual) is still vital. If you are ticking these boxes, then consuming your go to indulgence foods is perfectly fine, as long as they are in moderation (10-20% of your daily Calorie target). Often dieting is too much of a psychological battle to stay within the parameters of a food plan because of lack of flexibility and variety, but with the 10-20% rule, this allows for indulgences more often than just the common ‘cheat meal.’ Of course, if someone chooses to have 0% of their food coming from sweets or processed food, that’s also perfectly fine.

As Alan Aragon has said, “Honouring personal preference is one of the most powerful yet underrated tactics for achieving optimal health and body composition.” Remember though, greater dietary flexibility is achieved by how high or low your physical activity levels are. So basically, consistent exercise is very important.

September 22, 2014. Filed: Nutrition, Recipes

September Pasta Recipe: Tuna Pesto Pasta Bake



Who doesn’t love pasta?

Using wholemeal pasta for extra fibre (more than double fibre content of normal pasta), we combined basil flavoured tuna with a bunch of vegetables to make this. Pasta is more calorie dense than other foods and is often vilified, but eaten in a sensible serving is completely fine.

May have included a couple of Tim Tams for dessert… 😉


  • 500g wholemeal pasta
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 4 stalks of spring onions, finely chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 sticks celery, finely chopped
  • 250g cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 120g baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup basil pesto
  • 4 95g cans of Sirena Basil Infused Tuna 
  • grated light mozzarella cheese to coat



1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Cook pasta in a large saucepan of boiling, salted water, following packet directions, until tender. Drain.

2. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add onions, garlic and celery. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until onion is soft. Add tomatoes. Cook for 2 minutes. Add spinach and pesto. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until spinach just wilts. Add pasta to pan with tuna (undrained). Season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine.

3. Spoon mixture into a ceramic baking dish. Top with cheese. Bake for 20 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden. Stand for 5 minutes before serving.

September 22, 2014. Filed: Health & Fitness Motivation, Technology

Health & Fitness apps – JS-PT top 5

Keeping with the trend of  all things ‘techy’ in this month’s JS-PT newsletter, we’ll be riding the continuing wave that is the health and fitness app rage.

Without further ado, here’s our top 5:


#1  My Fitness Pal


Holds the title for being our favourite, as well as many of our clients. My Fitness Pal is an easy to use calorie counter (and exercise tracker, although that’s not what we use it for) to help you stay on top of your nutrition. With supposedly the biggest food database of any app, this makes tracking your food intake a piece of cake. To achieve the best results, tracking your calories and macronutrient intake should be of the upmost importance, and with apps like these to assist you, it makes the job much easier.


#2 Sleep Cycle


Often forgotten and severely underrated, a good nights sleep should be one of your pillars of success if you are wanting to gain the most from your training and eating regime. Sleep Cycle follows your movements in bed to analyse the quality of your shut eye, and wakes you during your lightest phase of sleeping allowing you to feel more energised for the day ahead. You can also include notes about your day such as caffeine intake, stress levels, and activity levels to gain a better understanding of which activities affect your quality of sleep.


#3 Zombies, Run!


Let’s be honest, running can be boring. So make it interesting by forcing yourself to escape from zombies (yes, you did read that correctly)! Zombies, Run! puts together an audio narrative while guiding you through a solid running interval training workout. Created by an award winning novelist, this app is sure to get your heart racing in more ways than one!


#4. Tabata Pro – Tabata Timer


Anyone who has had a session with us knows about Tabata training, and has definitely heard this app in action. Interval training is made simple by being able to easily customise total time of intervals, number of cycles, and number of Tabatas. With a clear voice over, and easy to hear alerts (over or without music), this has everything you need to nail your high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions.


#5 RunKeeper


A favourite amongst clients and colleagues, RunKeeper assists in tracking your running/walking with the aid of the GPS on your smart phone. Whether you’re training for a 5km fun run, or just wanting to log how much you’re walking, this app will help you figure a route to follow while logging your pace, time, and steps which allows you to compare your progress at any time. RunKeeper also integrates very well with My Fitness Pal and Fitbit.